

The quality of my work with students has been recognized by various entities (former students, parents, principals, professors of the Faculty of Education in Jagodina, a number of other colleagues, among which was the moderator at the council of teachers) and the satisfaction I received and in the form of various awards and social recognition.
I have won several awards:
  • Competition "Digital time 2017/2018", category of natural sciences, third prize (out of a total of 158 papers), co-authorship;
  • Competition of Publishing House "Eduka" titled "Time for reputation", second prize;
  • Competition "Digital time 2016/2017", category of natural sciences, third prize (out of a total of 267 papers), co-authorship;
  •  International competition "In honor of Teacher 2";
  •  In 2015, out of 330 applicants, I will become the winner of the "Best Educators of Serbia 2015" Award;
  • My published works
  • International competition "In honor of Teacher 1",
Works in electronic databases:
•"Let's remember Vuk Karadžić" (digital time, 2015);
•"Nothing works as good as success" ("Learned at the seminar and applied in practice");• "An unusual meeting of the summer and autumn" ("Learn at the seminar and applied in practice").
•"Class for reputation 2017".
•"Hurry to Pomoravlje and Homolj in the Hug", "Digital Time 2016/2017" co-authorship.
My portfolio

The quality of my work has also been recognized by various publications that published scripts in the electronic or printed version from the classes I held:

  • Article in  „Novi put“ (local newspaper),
  • "They make interesting lessons" on the site "Stories with the soul";
My examples of good practice

  • Recognitions for the BelgradeTeachers' Society for Participation at a muster "The Recycling magic helps the nature";
  • Acknowledgment from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia, the Association of School Librarians of Serbia, the Vuk Karadzic Library in Aleksinac and the Ivan Vusovic Elementary School from Razanj for cooperation and dedication for the Republican muster "Citalici 2016";
  • Recognition from the Jagodinas Teachers Society for Cooperation;
  • Acknowledgment from the department in Izvar for participation in the Republic  muster "Under the same sky of our home" at Elementary School "Bora Stanković" in Karavukov;
  • Acknowledgment of the "Živojin Mišić" Association for support and participation in the commission within the project "Best Educators of Serbia 2016".
I was also given the honor to be the reviewer of the magazine "Teacher", and in the same magazine I have three published professional papers.
In the publication "Educational Review" I have 16 papers. All were published in the period from 2013 to 2017.
At the Teacher's Council, I presented five examples of good practice, and I have 16 more papers in the electronic journal. In the publication published regarding to the Teacher's Chamber 2017 it was written that I am one of the most active members of this association.

My biography has also been included in the Lexicon of educators of educational workers, as well as inin the Lexicon of the creators of pre-university education and education of the Society for the Development of Education Publishing House Klett.
There is an announcement on my work on the site of the Township of Žagubica.
Recognition from Faculty of Education in Jagodina
During the ceremony regarding the Faculty Day, the Faculty of Education in Jagodina has given me public recognition as an extremely active and nationally recognized teacher who completed all levels of study at the faculty, and students who are dealing with the topic of the combined classes point to my blog in order to find useful articles and used them to upgrade as part of their graduation papers. They have given the acknowledgement to me with in a way that the  group of their professors and students visited my school in order to expand knowledge of work in combined classes.

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